Reasons I Smiled this Week, 192nd edition!

Good morning beautiful humans, happy Saturday? How was your week? I hope it was filled with sunshine, love, happiness, peace, productivity, family, friends, and great food! Welcome to my weekly edition of reasons I smiled 😃! Yes, I’m back to this again, hooray 😄. This is Life with Lane, come on in…………

Hi friends, before I start, remember June is Black Music Appreciation and Pride Month! So, make sure you show lots of love to Black artists that have made our lives better through their art! Be proud of people who are brave enough to be who they truly are!

I hope everyone had a lovely week ☺. I sure did! It was very productive and busy! One of the busiest weeks I’ve had. I’m ready for a spa day, lol! This year is just flying by, do you guys agree? I had so many reasons to smile this week. See what brought a smile to my face below……..

Thank you for reading my blog 😊 Like, comment, subscribe! Please feel free to contact me for collaborations or sponsorships. Serious inquiries only Follow me on Instagram @lifewithlane14. Have a wonderful blessed day and always be kind. #onelove

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