All about Pride 🏳️‍🌈

Good morning beautiful humans, happy Wednesday! Thank you for spending part of your morning with me or evening depending on where you live in this great big world! Welcome to Life with Lane; my life through words, pictures, and food! Come on in……….. Sorry I’m late but it’s me, lol 😆 Happy Pride Month 🌈. I’m a proud ally and I probably have been all … Continue reading All about Pride 🏳️‍🌈

The Unsung Heroes:Part One

Good morning beautiful humans, happy Tuesday!  Thank you for spending part of your morning with me. Welcome to Life with Lane! We are in the month of February; which means, it’s Black History Month! February is actually one of my favorite months.  Why you ask? It’s two of my sister’s birthdays.  It is also my niece Hannah’s birthday. The superbowl takes place. The weather is … Continue reading The Unsung Heroes:Part One